The Chairman of the MIG "Kichika" - MADAN - RUDOZEM and the Mayor of Madan Municipality Mr. Fakhri Molaisenov and the Mayor of Rudozem Municipality Dr. Rumen Pehlivanov launched the Arts Festival, which was held in the period August 5-6, when they cut the ribbon on the completely renovated field in front of the "Rodopchanka - 2008" NP in the village of Ribnitsa.
The activities are under project BG06RDNP001-19.476-0010 "Research and popularization of the local identity of the territory of the MIG "Kichika" - MADAN-RUDOZEM and introducing innovations for sustainable development" under the Program "Development of rural areas for the period 2014-2020", co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
The project is aimed at promoting local identity - local traditions, cultural and historical heritage and traditional local products, which leads to the improvement and stimulation of production, as well as improving the conditions and living environment of the local community.
The arts festival was visited by residents of Rudozem and Madan municipalities, as well as guests from different parts of the country, who had the opportunity to enjoy a huge variety of the presentation of traditional and modern costumes, typical of the region, dishes, crafts, customs, needlework, characters, objects and souvenirs from the local life, played an important role in the daily life of the local population in the past.
Over 200 participants from the community centers of Rudozem and Madan municipalities, as well as local self-made people, took part in the colorful Arts Festival.
The region's characteristic sheep shearing, wool washing and spinning, handmade souvenirs, as well as a wonderful display of beautiful Rhodope crystals were displayed.
The visitors had the opportunity to observe the knitting workshops of single and double crochets on decorative carriages, and the culinary presentation offered the guests wedges, pies, Rhodope katmi and trachna, as well as other typical dishes of the region.
It was a unique opportunity to observe the on-site preparation process of Rhodope "smidal", the rolling and baking of wedges, the frying of delicious buns and the technology of grinding corn flour with the region's characteristic "rashnitsa".
The diverse program also included a children's drawing on the topic "Local traditions and customs of the territory of the Kichika-Madan - Rudozem", where nearly 40 children from Rudozem Municipality and Madan Municipality showed their talent to the attendees.
The concert program of the Festival consisted of beautifully performed songs and dances, entirely prepared by the self-made people of the two municipalities of Madan and Rudozem.
Techniques and equipment purchased with project funds were used for the events.